
Soil / Sediment / treated biowaste testing

LAKOS Laboratory at "Eco-Consult-Engineering" Ltd is accredited by the Bulgarian Accreditation Service to carry out analyzes of soils, sediments and treated biowaste (compost) by applying standardized test methods.
The type of tested characteristics is in accordance with the requirements of the following normative documents:

 Regulation №3 of August 1, 2008 regarding the standards for permissible content of harmful substances in soils, amendment and supplement SG No. 71 of August 12, 2008.
 Regulation on the procedure and method for the utilization of sediments from wastewater treatment through their use in agriculture, amendment and supplement SG No. 55 of 07.07.2017.
 Regulation on separate collection of bio-waste and treatment of biodegradable waste, amendment and supplement SG No. 47 of 06.05.2018.

Characteristics tested:

 Petroleum products / Hydrocarbons (TRN);
 Active reaction - pH, pH (H2O), pH (CaCl2);
 Electrical conductivity/ Specific electrical conductivity;
 Dry matter and moisture content;
 Heat losses;
 Organic matter content;
 Total organic carbon (TOC);
 Total carbon (TC);
 Calcium oxide;
 Organic matter content;
 Kjeldahl total nitrogen;
 Ammonium nitrogen;
 Nitrogen nitrate;
 Nitrogen nitrite;
 Impurities / Stones;
  Water-soluble sulphates converted as sulphur;
 Phosphorus /General/;
 Particle size;
 Bulk density;
 Exchangeable forms of phosphorus, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium;
 Content of elements (Arsenic, Antimony, Selenium, Cadmium, Nickel, Copper, Lead, Zinc, Manganese, Calcium, Magnesium (total), Phosphorus, Sulfur (total), Cobalt, Sodium, Potassium, Chromium, Iron, Mercury, Boron and Aluminum);