
Water testing

LAKOS Laboratory at "Eco-consult-Engineering" Ltd is accredited by the Bulgarian Accreditation Service. The main regulations according to which water quality assessment is carried out are:

 Regulation № 1 of 10.10.2007 on the exploration, use and protection of groundwater, amendment and supplement to SG No. 102 of 23.12.2016.
 Regulation № 4 of 20.10.2000 on the quality of waters for fish farming and for the breeding of shellfish organisms, amendment and supplement SG No. 88 of 27.10.2000.
 Regulation № 6 of 09.11.2000 on emission standards for the permissible content of harmful and dangerous substances in waste water discharged into water bodies, amendment and supplement, State Gazette No. 24 of 23.03.2004.
 Regulation № 7 of 14.11.2000 on the conditions and procedures for discharge of industrial waste water into the sewage systems of populated areas, amendment and supplement, SG No. 98 of 01.12.2000.
 Regulation № 8 of 25.01.2001 on the quality of coastal sea waters, amendment and supplement SG No. 10 of 02.02.2001.
 Regulation № 9 of 16.03.2001 on the quality of water intended for drinking and domestic purposes, amendment and supplement SG No. 6 of 16.01.2018.
 Regulation № 12 of 18.06.2002 on the quality requirements for surface water intended for drinking and domestic water supply, amendment and supplement SG No. 15, dated 21.02.2012.
 Regulation № 18 of 27.05.2009 on the quality of water for irrigation of agricultural crops, amendment and supplement SG No. 43 of 09.06.2009.

The laboratory has modern equipment and modern equipment with which water analysis is carried out according to the following characteristics:

 Active reaction/pH
 Total solids, dissolved and undissolved substances. Suspended solids/Undissolved solids
 Total (residual chlorine), free chlorine
 COD / Oxidability dichromate
 Ammonia, Ammonium ions/ Ammonium nitrogen
 Nitrites / Nitrogen nitrite
 Nitrates/Nitrogen nitrate
 Sulfides, hydrogen sulfide
 Chromium (Hexavalent), Chromium (Common), Chromium (Trivalent)
 Iron (dissolved), iron (total)
 Nitrogen (Total)
 Kjeldahl total nitrogen
 Petroleum Products (Hydrocarbon Index)
 Phenols (Phenolic Index)
 Total phosphorus, Total phosphorus as phosphates, Phosphates as phosphorus, Orthophosphates
 Content of elements (Aluminum, Arsenic, Antimony, Barium, Boron, Selenium, Cadmium, Cobalt, Manganese, Molybdenum, Sodium, Nickel, Copper, Zinc, Lead, Mercury)
 Cyanides (free and total)
 Color, taste and smell
 Dissolved oxygen
 Permanganate oxidizability (permanganate index)
 Total hardness
 Permanent (non-carbonate) hardness
 Temporary (carbonate hardness)
 Extractable substances
 Anionic detergents, /PAV/, /SPAV/
 Total alkalinity
 Composite Alkalinity
 Hydrogen carbonates
 Fluorides, Fluorides (as fluor)
 Specific electrical conductivity/Electrical conductivity
 Total organic carbon
 Dissolved organic carbon
 Oils and fats (hexane extractables and silica gel treated products)
 Absorbable organic halides